Tomáš Ctibor, FRICS, CRE

Founder and executive director of 4ct

4ct is a newly created platform focused on planning projects and providing innovative and top-quality services in the field of city development, both for the public and the private sector. 4ct is a company specializing in the analysis, preparation, setup, process coordination and management of development projects, enabling effective communication between all relevant stakeholders. 4ct is also a place for sharing experiences, inspiration, innovation and sustainable solutions.


Active during the process of the “Velvet Revolution” as one of the student leaders. Following the events Member of Parliament, Member of the Constitution and Legal Committee of the House of Nations, Advisor to the Vice-Premier – Government of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic.

After brief political career he began his work in real estate, i.e. since the establishment of this market (and market economy) in the Czech Republic. His previous work has included acting as a partner and executive for MEI, Donaldsons and B.I.R.T.

Following the period as head of the Strategic Planning Department, Tomáš was tasked to create new conception and overall transformation of the Prague Institute of Planning and Development. Tomáš was also a member of the expert advisory board of the Prague City Hall – “Metropolitan Sounding Board” and the working group for the development of the city of Brno (PSTM). He is a member of the Brno Sounding Board (BOD) while advising other cities concurrently. Tomáš also holds memberships of international institutions, such as RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) and CRE (The Counselors of Real Estate – member of the International Committee).


Tomáš is currently involved in college education at Technical university in Prague (ČVUT, Faculty of Architecture), teaching urban planning processes and contributed to the establishment of and is involved in providing special courses in City Development. Occasionally leads lectures for students of architecture at the Academy of Applied Arts, Architecture and Design. Previously also worked as a lecturer for the Erste School of Banking and Finance. Recently started teaching at Prague Summer School, Architecture: History of European Architecture, organized by the European Centre for Career Education.


Tomáš has been involved in research focused on urban planning and development at the Technical University in Brno (The Importance of Open Spaces for Sustainable Urban Development, The Impact of the Character and Location of the Urban Structure on Sustainable Area Development).

CzechInvest – Governmental agency for the attraction of foreign investment (member of the Steering Committee).
AFI (Association for Foreign Investments) – Chairman of the Steering Committee. Active in the process of the establishment of this organization and participated in its development and management. Currently an Honorary Member of this organization.